Stories for January 2019

Stories for January 2019


Thursday, January 31

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Burke Resident Is the Driving Force Behind Video Magic

Local video production company creates marketing videos.

Burke Resident Is the Driving Force Behind Video Magic

Wednesday, January 30

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Dinner Across Political Divide

West Springfield’s Young Democrats and the Conservative Club came together to host potluck dinner for furloughed government employees.

Potluck dinner for furloughed government employees.

Opinion: Column: Cat It Again


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Senior Living: Weightlifting in the Golden Years

When done properly, strength training can have tremendous benefits for seniors.


How to Best Meet Needs of Older Residents in Fairfax County?

County-wide survey seeks public input.


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Food Dude’s Show Films at Al’s Steak House

Famous cheesesteak sandwiches are focus for upcoming cooking show.

Food Dude’s Show Films at Al’s Steak House

Tuesday, January 29

Opinion: Commentary: Human Trafficking: Monstrosity in Our Backyard


Monday, January 28

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Guest Violinist at Mason Stage

Chee-Yun joins Fairfax Symphony Orchestra for a performance at the Center for the Arts.


Thursday, January 24

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Furloughed Government Employees Burn off Stress at SkyZone

Climbing, dodgeball and more are free for furloughed employees every Thursday in January.

Furloughed Government Employees Burn off Stress at SkyZone

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County Looks to Use Drones

Emergency Management Office sets sights on unmanned aircraft systems.

Emergency Management Office sets sights on unmanned aircraft systems.

Tuesday, January 22

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Stuffing the Bus to Help Hungry Kids in Fairfax County

County and community unite for neighbors in need.


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Shutdown Affects the Area

Bulova talks county response to Federal government shutdown.


Opinion: Editorial: ‘My Hopes Have Already Been Dashed’

Current General Assembly session generates frustrations.


Monday, January 21

Thursday, January 17

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Integrity And Ethical Business Practices In Real Estate And Property Management


For some businesses, simply doing what is legal may be good enough; but each member of our team has bound himself/herself to a higher standard because our vocation is central to the interests of the nation and its citizens. The practice of real estate helps provide housing, places of commerce, industries and farms while preserving a healthful environment. For this reason, the practice of real estate imposes a grave social responsibility and a patriotic duty upon myself and others who practice real estate agency and brokerage. Our team believes that working as a real estate professional is a responsibility of integrity and honor.

Wednesday, January 16

Virginians Are Split on Arming Teachers

Reflecting geographic differences.


Virginia Black Caucus Unveils Legislative Priorities

Focus on education, ERA, civil rights, voting rights and criminal justice reforms.


Database Chronicles 400 Years of Virginia House of Delegates

400 years of members; database contains more than 9,000 men — but just 91 women.


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Rally Urges Legislators to Reinstate Parole in Virginia

A study would be a start.


Virginia Attorney General Herring Chastises Panel for Rejecting Hate Crime Bill


Advocates Seek More Access to Medical Marijuana in Virginia


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Virginia Minimum Wage Boost, Backed by Women’s Groups

Advances to full Senate; paid family leave, gender identity protection also considered.


Advocates Seek Laws in Virginia to Help Immigrants Drive, Study


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Virginia Lawmakers Have Mixed Reactions to Governor’s Address


Conservative Activists Urge Lawmakers to Reject ERA

‘A smokescreen for abortion.’


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Hundreds March in Richmond for Women and Minority Rights

‘What do we want? Equal rights. When do we want them? Now.’


Virginia Lawmakers Eye Paid Family Leave

Funding for the proposed program would be provided by a family and medical leave insurance fund established by the Employment Commission and financed through payroll taxes.


Virginia Faculty Members Lobby Legislators on Higher Education

Focus on reform, plus money for salary increases, boosting tuition assistance and increasing student access to higher education.


ERA Clears Virginia Senate Committee, Faces Uncertainty in House


Virginia General Assembly to Consider Legalizing Sports Betting


Virginia Lawmakers Seek Information on Prisoner Segregation

Bills would require Department of Corrections to track duration, demographics, disabilities of inmates in solitary.


U.S. District Court Sets Deadline for Redistricting ‘Special Master’

Recommendations would affect 2019 elections.


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Photos are Recognized from First Hike on New Year’s

Park photos

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Valentine’s Roses Come Early in Burke

The red rose is the flower of choice at Flowers ‘n’ Ferns in Burke

The red rose is the flower of choice at Flowers ‘n’ Ferns in Burke

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A Snow Day Turns Into a Sledding Day

Sledding and Snowboarding in Springfield

Tuesday, January 15

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How to Talk About Vaping

Approaching conversation about dangers of e-cigarettes.


Strategic Priority: Recruiting Great Teachers in Fairfax County

Superintendent presents public schools’ budget for FY 2020.


Opinion: Editorial: Pay Attention, State Legislature Not Gridlocked

Thousands of bills considered over 45 days could have a big impact on your life, for better or for worse.


Monday, January 14

Friday, January 11

Opinion: Commentary: It’s Time for Virginia to Ratify ERA


Wednesday, January 9

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Boysko Wins Wexton Seat

Democrats enter the new year with a fresh victory and a full head of steam.

.Virginia’s 33rd state Senate District was once a solidly Republican seat, a place where conservative voters repeatedly rewarded Bill Mims for opposing same-sex marriage and championing homeschooling. But ever since Mims resigned to take a job in the McDonnell administration, the seat has been held by a succession of Democrats on their way to bigger and better things.

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Parkway Widening Crosses Another Hurdle

Cut-through traffic becomes the issue for the Burke Centre attendees.

Fairfax County Parkway widening inches along.

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Burke Gems & Beads in a Business of Beauty

After seven years, local bead artists have found a niche.

Burke bead shop.

Tuesday, January 8

Northam Touts Bills on Voting Rights and Campaign Financing

Local legislators sponsoring election-oriented bills.


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Education Issues Take Center Stage

Constituents tell lawmakers to increase teacher pay; ERA, $15 minimum wage and more.

Teachers deserve a pay raise, and Virginia desperately needs to hire more school counselors. These were two of the most prevalent concerns voiced by constituents to members of the Fairfax County legislative delegation, the largest in the Virginia General Assembly.

Prison Reform Advocates Want Data on Solitary Confinement

Cited as a mental health issue.


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Democratic Legislators on Gun Violence: ‘It’s Common Sense’

Bills focus on gun safety.


Beyond the Resolution

Keeping a home in order all year long.


Mini-grants Available for Youth-led Anti-stigma Initiatives

Proposals due Feb. 1, 2019.


Friday, January 4

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Opinion: Commentary: The Braddock District in 2019

Making the District and County a better place to live for the years ahead.


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Opinion: Commentary: A Look at Year Ahead for Springfield District: Changes Under Design


Thursday, January 3

Wednesday, January 2

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Business Women’s Giving Circle Supports STEM

Four organizations receive $52,000.


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Thinking Outside the Box

Ideas for original and attainable goals for New Year’s resolutions.
