Burke Entertainment

Burke Entertainment


The Best of Braddock District

Supervisor John Cook (R-Braddock) recommends places to see in his district.

Supervisor John Cook (R-Braddock) recommends places to see in his district.

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Clifton Film Festival Returns to Workhouse Arts Center

Fairfax resident Dani Weinberg thought she wanted to be a journalist. That was until she joined the crew of her high school’s television program “Good Morning Robinson.” Combined with her photography for the Robinson Secondary School newspaper, Weinberg started getting “really into film.”

Fairfax: ‘A Spoonful of Sugar’ Plus Magic

Robinson senior has title role in “Mary Poppins.”

Featuring a cast and crew of nearly 50, Westfield Summer Stage is bringing the beloved Disney musical, “Mary Poppins,” to life. And playing the lead role is a rising senior at Robinson Secondary School.

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Fourth of July Weekend Fun in Fairfax County

A roundup of entertaining things to do this weekend: July 3-5, 2015.

A roundup of fun things to do this weekend in Fairfax county.

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Weekend Fun in Fairfax County - June 26-28, 2015

A roundup of entertaining things to do this weekend.

A roundup of fun things to do this weekend in Fairfax county.

Cappies Review: A World of Passion and Darkness

Robinson’s production of “Neverwhere.”

What if there existed a world, at the end of the alleys, in the sewers, in every shadow, and every lost or gotton place. Neverwhere based on the novel by Neil Gaiman.

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The Shepherd's Center of Fairfax-Burke Hosts Spring Fashion Show

The Shepherd's Center of Fairfax-Burke held its first fashion show for the fashion conscious women of Fairfax and Burke.

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‘Mary Poppins’ at Burke Presbyterian

More than 50 junior and senior high school youth from Burke Presbyterian Church (BPC) presented the musical “Mary Poppins” on March 6-8. The church, transformed by more than 26 hand-painted panels into early 20th century London, was packed for each of the four performances.

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New Packaging Brewing Company Opens in Lorton

With the capacity to churn out over 4,000 barrels annually, Fair Winds Brewing Company in Lorton can claim the title of Fairfax County’s largest packaging brewery.

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“Oliver!” To Open at Church of the Good Shepherd in Burke

Springfield resident Nancy Lavallee is an attorney by day, but has done theater all her life. And for the last three years, in her free time, she’s traded the courtroom for the director’s chair, leading the Good Shepherd Players in productions of “The Sound of Music” and “Godspell.”

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Fairfax County Park Authority Passes on Commercial Proposal for Burke Lake Golf Park

Burke resident Meg Hanrahan likes Topgolf in Alexandria. “To go out on a date with my husband,” she said, “but it’s not some place I want to go when I want to mentally prepare to go out on a course and play 18 holes.”

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Inaugural Celebration of Gospel Event Held in Burke

Last Wednesday, Feb. 11, the Lake Braddock Secondary School (LBSS) welcomed the Howard Gospel Choir of Howard University (HGC) to headline its first musical Celebration of Gospel. The concert was sponsored by the Minority Parents for Excellence in Education (MPEE), a parent-led organization that has been active at LBSS for almost 30 years.

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Robinson Middle in Fairfax Takes on Rydell High in ‘Grease’

Though none of the actors are in high school, Katie Jenkins believes her cast will have no problem bringing the students of the famed, fictional Rydell High to life.

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Fairfax's Sovereign Grace Co-op Drama Presents 'Our Town'

Sit back and take a breath of fresh clean New Hampshire air, as you meet the characters inhabiting the small town of Grover's Corners.

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Burke Author Sherry Harris Launches Mystery Series

Sarah Winston found two bloody shirts in a bag of clothes from a garage sale. She knew one belonged to her ex-husband, the other to the woman he was sleeping with.